“…Unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains only a single seed. But if it dies, it produces many seeds.” —Jesus


of Hope:

The Hillsboro Project

The Hillsboro Project is possible because a community of faith believes God wants to do something new.

In the ‘80s, Valley Hope Community Church was planted in Hillsboro. In recent years, the congregation has been in decline.

The remnant who remain made the brave decision to embark on the Dying to Restart process.

This remnant entrusted their remaining resources to a

Restart Board.

Pastor Mark Fast shares about the decision for a restart

This board, comprised of area pastors and leaders, is focused on aligning resources to plant a new church through this location.

The Restart Board unanimously identified the planting pastor to oversee this project:

Erin Taylor

Dying to Restart is impacting 26 congregations nationally.

So, What’s Next?

The Taylor Family will relocate to Hillsboro in the summer of 2024. As they arrive, they will be focused on a journey of discernment, discovery, and developing a launch team. Amid this process, they will gain clarity on the church model, develop a community impact strategy, choose a name for the new church, and establish a timeline for a 2025 launch.

We know that God is already present and at work in Hillsboro.

We believe God’s heart is for Hillsboro!

As we arrive and settle into the community, we’ll be eyes-wide-open to discover how God is moving and how we can join him.

As we build and grow our launch team, we trust the Lord will give us the vision for our city and how we can help answer the prayer:

May your Kingdom come, your will be done, in Hillsboro as it is in heaven.